In what way can medium-sized businesses benefit from the potential of digitalization? Which new technologies and organizational structures offer the best opportunities? The BIEC adresses these questions with the aim of helping SME in Baden-Württemberg to innovate in this age of digital transformation
»Eine digitale Zukunft lässt sich nur durch Innovation gestalten. Und Innovation ist ein Teamsport, der neue Partnerschaften zwischen Verwaltung, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft erfordert. Für die Digitalakademie@bw bringen wir umfangreiches Wissen aus der Fraunhofer-Initiative Morgenstadt ein und schaffen eine gemeinsame Vernetzungsstelle, um die richtigen Akteure im Land und darüber hinaus zusammenzubringen.«
The Digitalakademie@BW works together with towns, cities, administrative districts and regions to support them on the road to digital transformation. Its innovative service promote skills and qualifications, innovation, knowledge transfer and cultural change in public administration within the state of Baden-Württemberg.
A vibrant innovation center, the Future Work Lab allows visitors the experience the future of manufacturing today. In it, companies, associations, people who work in industry and trade unions can find out all about labor concepts for the digitalized world. The Future Work Lab brings Industry 4.0 applications, training programs and information about the current status of labor research together under one roof, enabling companies and employees to develop in ways that are in line with how the labor market will progress.
All our consulting and implementation projects aim to make companies more responsive, more innovative and productive by putting in place the ideal conditions for good performance and sustainable employment for their staff.
In our research, we work on solutions that facilitate efficient interaction between people and smart technology. We create people-oriented innovation processes and develop IT security concepts tailored to specific needs.
In the scope of multiple project and research initiatives, our Digital Business researchers develop and test new methods and intelligent IT solutions that benefit companies and society as a whole.
Our research focuses on innovations that use virtual and augmented reality to make product development and the production process more efficient, creative and connected.
In the scope of diverse research projects, the teams of scientists in Urban Systems Engineering establish methods of analysis and design with respect to the cities and towns in which people will live and work in the generation ahead.
During our research projects, we establish real-world solutions and methods to generate, design, introduce and assess new product, process and service innovations as part of the transition to future mobility.
In the scope of our research, we systematically examine societal implications, incorporate various perspectives and shape the future in cooperation with other stakeholders within a system of innovation.
As an expert partner that uniquely combines socioeconomic ans sociotechnical research, the Fraunhofer Group for Innovation Research offers support to stakeholders in business, government and society