Forschung und Lehre am IAT der Universität Stuttgart

Fraunhofer IAO cooperates closely with the Institute of Human Factors and Technology Management IAT at the University of Stuttgart. On numerous occasions, our researchers have worked together at the interface between university research and industrial application – on projects directly for industry clients or as part of publicly funded research projects.
Both institutes are involved in university teaching. The IAT runs three programs: a bachelor's and a master's degree in technology management and an online master's degree in logistics management.
Researchers in the field of technology management investigate the best ways to plan, design, test, refine and implement technical products and processes, examining these issues from the perspectives of people, companies and the environment. The goal of human factors research is to systematically analyze and optimize the technical, organizational and social conditions of work processes.
By taking a holistic approach and applying both engineering and human factors methodologies, Fraunhofer IAO and the IAT explore how we will live and work in the future.
Their goals include