Against this background, the Fraunhofer IAO is working on the following on behalf of the Research Association for Automotive Technology (FAT) in the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), the Fraunhofer IAO develops scenarios for the charging and H2 infrastructure of the future. The research team of Fraunhofer IAO considers different industry and user groups in order to be able to make specific statements about the future design and use of infrastructures and vehicles in commercial traffic. In the first step, the research team uses guideline-based interviews to determine the requirements for charging and refuelling infrastructures for the different industries. At the same time, the team is preparing a market and technology overview for charging stations and hydrogen infrastructure and illustrating possible business and operator models. On this basis, the research team develops site-specific scenarios for the year 2030, which are then used as a basis for a technical analysis of the charging infrastructure and energy system requirements. The analysis is carried out using the simulation models developed at Fraunhofer IAO for locally concentrated charging infrastructures.